In the Shadow of Feathertop
- In the Shadow of Feathertop – A History of the Lives and Legacy of George Jones and Margaret Hardie
- Alexander Henderson Award 2014
Craig’s book: In the Shadow of Feathertop – A History of the Lives and Legacy of George Jones and Margaret Hardie has been awarded the prestigious Alexander Henderson Award for 2014 for Best Australian Family History by the Australian Institute of Genealogical Studies.
You can read more and buy it HERE
Welcome to our Family History website
Many people have contributed to the research contained in these pages, and I’m grateful for their help and generosity. Although the closest ancestral lines have been diligently verified against documents and records, this may not be the case for distant branches where information has been provided by other researchers. However, the information is presented in good faith for the purpose of furthering research.
If you have more information, or if you have any corrections, queries or comments, please contact Craig via the Contact Us page.
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The information and images contained in these pages is distributed for the purposes of legitimate family research but is subject to Copyright. Please contact Craig if you wish to use any of this material for commercial purposes, or for publication in any form, including at other websites (including at
About our Banner Picture
Pictured in the banner above are Craig’s maternal Grandparents, John and Phyllis (nee Jones) Sullivan; Craig’s paternal Grandparents, Robert and Winifred (nee Gouldthorp) Fullerton: Celine’s paternal Grandparents, Georges and Simi (nee Lousqui) Amoyal; and Celine’s maternal Grandparents, Blanche (nee Salvadori) and Louis Gridelet.
Craig Fullerton
Craig’s ancestors originated from Ireland, especially Counties Tyrone, Cork, Limerick and Waterford; Scotland, especially around Glasgow, and other parts of Lanarkshire, and Cockenzie in East Lothian; and England, particularly Quainton in Buckinghamshire, Stratton in Cornwall and areas of Kent. Surnames of particular interest are:
Fullerton, O’Sullivan, Sullivan, Jordan, Gardiner, Gouldthorp, Gouldthorpe, Anstiss, Brown, Jones, Hardie, Cadzow, Durnan, Arnall, Greig, Herbert, Keller, Keleher, McGeorge, George, McLuskie, McLuskey, Napier, Old, Saunders, Shaw, Sole, Whelan, Mara
Celine Amoyal
Celine’s ancestors originated predominantly from North Africa, especially Algeria and Morocco (and probably Spain before that); France, particularly from the Lorraine, Alsace and Franche-Comte regions; and Valganna, Italy. Surnames of particular interest are:
Amoyal, Gridelet, Badel, Ben Oliel, Benoliel, Henrion, George, Warin, Vuarcollier, Lardenois, Lousqui, Benchetrit, Ben Chetrit, Elbaz, Lahaxe, Mathieu, Salvadori, Cardot, Gaume, Perichetti, Kaflon, Abitoul