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2 entries.
Congrats on the book. I hope I can get a copy of it to read.
I am married to Shirley Colley. She is (I think) the great ? grand daughter of Sarah Price Wall*, born In San Fransisco. Many of the Colley names in your FH and website were known to her as Aunties or Uncles. An excellent FH. Congratulations.
* Still a bit of a mystery.
Congratulations on the publishing of your book. The Hocking Descendants Society wish you all the best
Congratulations on the book!
Wow! Your book looks fantastic Craig & Celine. Congratulations. Looking forward to an interesting read.
Captain Charles Yule was my great great grandfather.
I was very intrigued with the family crest. Do you know what the significance of the two head bangers on each side of the crest is. I have never seen them before on any crest.
Also, the helmet. Do you know what the represents?
Hi Dave
According to the Gordon W. Fullerton book (p3) the “savages” are “Supporters’ and he says “In Scotland, the right to “Supporters” is universally conceded to the Chiefs of the various clans. In England this is confined to a much higher rank of nobility”. As for the helmet he simply says “Just below the crest, in all cases, the helmet of the Nobility is of steel with five bars of gold. It is placed on the shield inclining to a profile.The king and prince royal the same, except 6 bars, and faces forward. The knights and barons faced forward, but had the visor thrown back and without bars.” (p3) I’ll email you the full description of the Crest from the book.
This book is a stroke of mastery, we have spent many years researching data for this Jones family, to see it all beautifully illustrated and with personal histories, maps and photographs is truly amazing, we can’t begin to understand the effort it has taken. Not much else is done or talked about in our home, we can’t put the book down and brag about it to all who enter.
Leona & Graham Scott
Great information have just enquired about buying the book after a visit to omeo
Thanks Peter, I hope you enjoy the book!
Hi, Great website and looking forward to reading the book sometime. I am a half 1st cousin 6 times removed of Thomas George (b.12 July 1803) and can tace that line back to about 1715. Feel free to contact me if you want more info
Thanks Allan. I’ll touch base re Thomas George.
Gordon W. Fullerton Jnr. Uncle Gordon as we children were instructed to call him, visited us at our home on the (Queen Charlotte Islands) now Haida Gwaii Canada. I still have a signed 1/13/77 copy of his book: The Fullertons Of North America.
Thanks Allen. What a great book it is, given it was put together on a typewriter and self-published! My copy is a tattered old one I found in an online second-hand book store 🙂
Hi. I’m curious about where you learned about the Phoenicians. I was looking into the Fullerton line and couldn’t get past 1746 which was my many great grandfather James A Fullerton.
Hi Rebecca
The reference to the Phoenicians in the context of the heritage of the Fullertons comes from
Gordon W. Fullerton Jnr. in his book “The Fullertons of North America” (privately published, 1973, Hawaii). The book is referenced at the beginning of the section.
This ambitious tome of over 300 typed pages contains family origins for many North American Fullerton (and derivative) families. If you’d like to email me via the Contact Us page with more details about your James A I’ll let you know if he is mentioned in the book. There are 3 James’ there b 1745, one of them a James Alexander.
Hi from a Fullerton by marriage in Australia. Descended from Andrew Fullerton born 1805 Drumnacross NI. No previous family history prior to this found as yet.
Interesting information on your site.
Thank you
Hi Ann
Thanks for touching base. I’m in Australia too. My Fullertons hailed from Killyman Parish, Tyrone a little to the south of Drumnacross. Then ended up in Glasgow. There might be a connection somewhere along the line. If your husband has done any DNA testing at any of the usual haunts let me know!
Thank you for you reply Craig.
Will keep on looking. Must be info out there somewhere.
Hi do you still have family in Glasgow by the name of Fullerton we could be connected.
My ancestors John and James Fullerton left Northern Ireland and settled in Glasgow about 1880.
Kind regards Christine.
Hi Christine
My Fullerton ancestor – Mary Jane Fullerton – came from Killyman Parish, Tyrone in Northern Ireland. I believe she had a brother John b.1855, and certainly a sister Eleanor/Ellen b.1851, and maybe other siblings I don’t yet know about. I don’t have any Fullerton family still in Glasgow as far as I know. For our branch of the family, my ancestor (Mary Jane’s illegitimate son) left Glasgow in 1912 bound for Australia.
Kind regards
Hi craig thanks for your reply. My ancestors came from Belfast so I will have to keep on looking.
regards Christine.
I’m a McCloy from Co Derry, Ireland. I’m descendant from the Arran Fullartons who took the name McLewis after a Lewis Fullarton and ended up in the form of McCloy. The south Co Derry McCloy’s are unusual in that we are Catholic. Our ancestors either came over as Redshanks before the plantation or being Gaelic speakers intermarried with the locals and converted.
Anyhow I found this very interesting. “It has been said that those who were later to call themselves Fowlertoun were descended from Phoenician mariners who were shipwrecked on the northern coast of Europe, possibly where Norway now lies. They joined up with the tribes sweeping south into Gaul or what is now France and eventually aligned themselves with William the Conqueror and joined in the invasion of Great Britain.”
I took a DNA test and it came back that I belong to the E-M25 Haplogroup. This is a rare marker in GB and Ireland and indeed in Europe in general. It however has a very strong presence in North Africa and the Middle East.
Hi Francis
Very interesting! Perhaps the story is borne out by the DNA. I’m sure we’ll learn more in time as more people do the tests. Of course, the Norman rulers had Viking genes in them so it is plausible that descendants of ancient Phoenician mariners who made a life in Norway could have carried genes into the Norman Conquest. Also, of course, the Vikings also had a more direct impact on the DNA pool of Scotland and Ireland through their invasions and settlements.
I took the y-dna37 test on the familydna site. It would be great if more Fullartons took the tests. Apart from McCloys being descendant from Fullartons on the Island of Bute the surnames Jamieson and McCamie are also descendant of Fullartons. Said to be descendant from a James Fullarton who moved to Bute in the 13th Century.
Hi Francis
Yes the Y-DNA tests are valuable. I’ve done one too at FTDNA, but my paternal line is not Fullerton despite my surname! My Great Grandfather was illegitimately born to a Tyrone-born Fullerton girl in Glasgow in 1879. That’s where our surname comes from. But the Y-DNA test may help us identify our mystery paternal line ancestors one day!
I enjoyed your website! Thank you for re-publishing the info from the Fullertons of North America book. My mother owned a copy and sadly after her death, we cannot locate it. One of my aunts wrote an entire section of it for Gordon on our grandfather’s line. My grandfather was James P. Fullerton who immigrated from Scotland and settled in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area. Do you have any information on what happened to Gordon’s work?
Hi Kathleen.
Thank you. I seem to remember reading that someone did become the custodian of Gordon’s archive, but I can’t recall the details. I’m not aware of any recent re-publications of the book. I obtained mine from a second-hand bookstore online.
Wonderful website- congratulations to you all. Amazing amount of research and information.
My Grandfather Frank Burton is mentioned (Dates are incorrect), I will be happy to forward dates to you… but it looks like I am a 3rd cousin of Craig’s Mother!
I grew up in Kanturk Co Cork – daughter (with five siblings) of Eileen (McAuliffe – Meelin, Newmarket) and Phil Burton (Curragh Kanturk)- son of Frank Burton (born Minehill Millstreet Co Cork & Annie Guiney (born Gurteenard, Kanturk), moved to Toronto 1981 and we try and go back and forth quite a bit. Being challenged – along with my husband (John Burke) to retrace our roots, but enjoying the journey. I look forward to studying this in depth.
Thanks Kay. Yes you’re my mother’s 3rd cousin. Thanks for the correct information for Frank, website will be updated soon. Good luck with the search.
A great read, very well researched and full of detail. Beautifully presented with interesting drawings, pictures and maps. The book paints a vivid story of the Australian pioneer experience. I particularly enjoyed reading the little anecdotal and entertaining stories scattered throughout. I’d certainly recommend to anybody who has an interest in Australian pioneer history, whether your ancestors appear or don’t appear within the book. Well done Craig on creating such a fantastic read.
Thank you very much Travis. I’m so glad you enjoyed the book.
Hi Craig and Celine
My daughter is working on family ancestry and me the link to your site.
Very interesting information on the Fullerton family,
Terrance Fullerton
Hi Terrance. Thanks for the feedback, I’m glad the information on our website has been helpful!